Saturday 24 September 2011

Where Has The Time Gone?

Can you believe it's almost October?! Although it does feel a bit more like October with the Practical Magic Blog Party today. I'm not participating, but I am going to watch one of my all time favourite movies so I feel like like I'm joining in :)

Sorry I'm a bit lacking on posts lately, I've been busy trying to stay on top of school work as I've been ill so have a lot of catching up to do, and haven't been very inspired to post anything. Let me know if there is anything you want me to review/talk about, but, for now I'm going to enjoy a cup of Earl Grey, flick through my encyclopedia of spells and relax with Practical Magic. Have a fabulous day!


  1. Hi Hannah! Nice to meet you. Earl Grey is one of my favourite teas, too.

  2. The first time I tried it everyday tea never tasted as good as it used to!

  3. Mm, mm, I could use some yummy tea right about now. I hope you are feeling better and soon get to do all the wonderful things you enjoy.
